Acquiring a domain name can be a tricky business. Anyone can acquire a domain name by regsistering an available domain in Godaddy or any other registery for that matter. To acquire a domain requires a lot of work and negoiation. BrokersCrowd is connected with every domain owner in the world, and negotiates on our buyers behalf for the best price saving our buyers thousands.
Selling domains can make anyone's head spin. What domain markets do I list my domains on? Do I list them on all domains? Will listing fixed prices affect my overall net income? There are too many unknowns while buyers have more and more options. BrokersCrowd is equipt to assist in a developing a unique domain sales strategy for every buyer since no buyer is the same.
If you are looking to acquire domains, not for development or a specific need, but simply to turn a profit in re-sale, BrokersCrowd can aid in a large scale domain acquisition strategies. There are millions of domains available for sale so our job is to advise on the best acquisitions at the best prices along with portfolio acquisition strategies that make sense for long term profit and gains.